Why would a student get rejected for a credit card?

Why would a student get rejected for a credit card?

Applying for a credit card can be daunting, especially when faced with the possibility of rejection. It’s important to understand why your credit card application was rejected and what you can do to improve your chances of success. In this article, we’ll look closely at some common reasons why students might get rejected for a…

What are the advantages of a Student credit card?

What are the advantages of a Student credit card?

A student credit card could help college students make convenient purchases and establish credit. Before using your credit card for purchases, it’s important to understand how interest works and how long it may take you to pay down your balances. You may also have the opportunity to participate in a rewards program through which you…

Proven Secrets On How To Get Your College Kid’s Grades

Proven Secrets On How To Get Your College Kid’s Grades

Do Colleges Share Grades With Parents? Generally speaking, no. Under FERPA, educational records are considered confidential and can only be released with the student’s consent. However, there are exceptions to this general rule.  1. If a student is dependent for tax purposes, their parents may have access to the student’s educational records without the student’s…

Best Advice On How Often To Call Your College Student

Best Advice On How Often To Call Your College Student

How Often Should You Call Your College Student There isn’t a proper answer to how often a parent should call their college student. It really depends on the relationship between the parent and the student. A helpful rule of thumb would be to check in with your college student at least once or twice a…